Page 103 - Math Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 103

Properties of Addition and Multiplication

                Mo. 3

                Lesson 3

                 KEY CONCEPTS:                                     Key Concept
                 1. Identify and use properties of addition
                     and multiplication.
                 2. Use properties of addition and multiplication to  Commutative Property
                     simplify algebraic expressions.
                                                                  of Addition
                                                                  Words      The order in which numbers are added
                                                                            does not change the sum.
                MO. 3 - L3a                                       Symbols For any numbers a and b, a + b = b + a.

                   Identifying the Properties of                  Examples 2 + 3 = 3 + 2
                    Addition and Multiplication                                   5 = 5

                            Vocabulary A-Z                        Commutative Property

                            Let us learn some vocabulary
                                                                  of Multiplication
                                                                  Words       The order in which numbers are
                                                                             multiplied does not change the product.
                                                                  Symbols    For any numbers a and b, a   b = b   a.
                                                                  Examples 2   3 = 3   2
                in algebra, properties are statements that are true                6 = 6
                for any numbers.

                 The expression 3 + 8 and 8 + 3 have the
                 same value, 11. So the property is a
                 a + b = b + a.                                   Associative Property
                                                                  of Addition

                                                                  Words      The way which number are grouped
               Counterexample                                               when added does not change the sum.
               is an example that shows a conjecture is not true.  Symbols For any numbers a, b and c,
                                                                            (a + b) + c  = a + (b + c).
                       Associative Property of Subtraction?       Examples (5 + 8) + 2 = 5 + (8 + 2)
                                                                                   13 + 2 = 5 + 10
                 9 - (5 - 3) =  (9 - 5) - 3  State the conjecture.
                                                                                          15 = 15
                        9 - 2  = 4 - 3  Simplify within the

                              7 = 1  Subtract.                    Associative Property
                                                                  of Multiplication
               Deductive Reasoning                                Words      The way which number are grouped
                                                                            when multiplied does not change the
               using facts, properties, or rules to reach valid             product.
                                                                  Symbols For any numbers a, b and c,
                 A is true            Asians are good at math               (a   b)   c  = a    (b    c).

                 A imples B           Thais are Asian.            Examples (4    6)   3 = 4   (6    3)
                                                                                   24   3 = 4   18
                                                                                         72 = 72
                 Therefore B is true   Therefore, Thais are good
                                      at math.

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