Page 157 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 157
Circles: Angles and Arcs
MO. 11 - L2b
Let’s Begin
Arc Length of a Circle
Circle Graphs
THEOREM 11.1 Example
In the same or in congruent circles, two arcs are
congruent if and only if their corresponding central BICYCLES
angles are congruent. This graph shows the percent of each type of
bicycle sold in the United States in 2001. Find the
measurement of the central angle representing
POSTULATE 11.1 each category. List them from least to greatest.
Bicycle Bought Last Year
Arc Addition Postulate (by type)
The measure of an arc formed by two adjacent arc
is the sum of the measure of the two arcs.
Example: In ⊙S, mPQ + mQR = mPQR. Youth 37%
Hybrid 9% Other 7% Comfort
The sum of the percents is 100% and represents
the whole. Use the percents to determine what
R Q part of the whole circle (360°) each central angle
7%(360°) = 25.2° 26%(360°) = 93.6°
Key Concept 9%(360°) = 32.4° 37%(360°) = 133.2°
21%(360°) = 75.6°
Arc Length Answer 25.2°, 32.4°, 75.6°, 93.6°, 133.2°
measure This graph shows the percent of each type of
of arc → A = ℓ ← arc length bicycle sold in the United States in 2001. Is the arc
360 2πr ← circumference for the wedge named Youth congruent to the arc for
degree → the combined wedges named Other and Comfort?
of whole The arc for the wedge named Youth represents
26% or 93.6% of the circle. The combined wedges
A named Other and Comfort represent 7% + 21% =
This can also be expressed as • C = ℓ. 28% or 25.2° + 75.6º = 100.8º. Since 93.6º ≠ 100.8º,
360 the arcs are not congruent.
Answer NO