Page 64 - Math Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 64

Rational Numbers

         MO. 2 - L1b                                       Identify all sets to which the number 0.30303030…
              Identify and Classify
                Rational Numbers                                          0.30303030... is a nonterminat-
                                                              Answer      ing, repeating decimal. So, it is a
                                                                          ration number

                    Vocabulary A-Z
                    Let us learn some vocabulary
                                                            Your Turn!

                                                           Classify Numbers

        Rational Number
                                                             Identify all sets to which –7 belongs.
        is any number that can be expressed
        as the quotient or fraction a/b of two               A. whole number, integer, rational
        integers, with the denominator b not  a/b            B. whole number, integer
        equal to zero.                                       C. integer, rational
                                                             D. integer
            Number       As a Fraction     Rational?
                5             5/1             Yes            Answer

               1.5            7/4             Yes
              .001           1/1000           Yes                                    4
                                                            Identify all sets to which              belongs.
             0.111...         1/9             Yes                                    5
                                                            A. whole number, rational
               √ 2             ?              NO!           B. integer, rational
           (square root of 2)                               C. not rational
                                                            D. rational

                   Let’s Begin                               Answer

                                                            Identify all sets to which 0.24242424… belongs.
        Classify Numbers                                    A. whole number, rational
                                                            B. integer, rational
                                                            C. not rational
         Examples                                           D. rational

         Identify all sets to which the number 15 belongs.

                        15 is a whole number, an
                        integer, and a rational number.

         Identify all sets to which the number  7
         belongs.                             8

            Answer        7     is a rational number

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