Page 66 - Math Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 66

Fractions: Understanding Rational Numbers

           Mo. 2

           Lesson 2

                                                           Bar Notation
                                                           You can use bar notation to indicate that a digit or
          KEY CONCEPTS:                                    group of digits repeats.
          1. Write fractions as terminating or repeating
          2. Compare fractions and decimals.                 =0.6666666666... = 0.6 the digit
                                                             6 repeats, so place a bar over the 6.

         MO. 2 - L2a

             Converting Fractions                                    Let’s Begin
                      to Decimals

                                                           Write a Fraction as a Terminating
                     Vocabulary A-Z                        Decimal
                     Let us learn some vocabulary

                                                             Write           as decimal.
        Terminating Decimal
                                                             Method 1 Use paper and pencil.
        If the division ends, or terminates, when the                   0.0625
        remainder is zero, the decimal is a terminating             16  1.0000
                      3   = 0.375                                            -32
                      8                                                         80
                                                                                  0  Division ends when
                                                                                   the remainder is 0.
        Mixed Number
        A mixed number is the sum of a whole number and
        a fraction. Mixed numbers can also be written as
        decimals.                                             Answer       0.0625 is a terminating decimal.

                          3  1                               Write           as decimal.
                             2                                      16
                                                            Method 2 Use a calculator

        Repeating Decimal
                                                                       1     ÷     16     ENTER    0.0625
        Repeating decimals have a pattern in their digits that
        repeats without end.
                                                              Answer       0.0625 is a terminating decimal.
                  2  =0.6666666666...

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