Page 74 - Math Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 74

Like Fractions

           Mo. 2

           Lesson 4

                                                           Add Mixed Numbers
          KEY CONCEPTS:
          1. Adding Like Fractions.
          2. Subtracting like fractions.                   Example

                                                                   4     2
                                                            Find 3    +8   . Write the sum in simplest form.
                                                                   9     9
         MO. 2 - L4a
                                                            Estimate 3  1  +8 =11  1
             Adding Like Fractions
                                                            3  4  +8  2  =(3 + 8)+  )  4  +  2 )  Add the whole
                                                               9    9           9   9   numbers and
         Key Concept                                                                    separately.

                                                                            4 + 2       Add the
         Adding Like Fractions                                               9          numerators.

         Words To add fractions with like denominators,        Answer       =11  6  or 11  2  Simplify.
                add the numerators and write the sum                            9       3
                over the denominator.

                   a   b    a + b
         Symbol      +    =      , where c = 0
                   c    c     c
                    1   2    1 + 2   3
         Example      +   =       or
                    5   5     5      5

                                                           Add Algebraic Fractions

                   Let’s Begin                             Example

                                                                   5    3
                                                             Find     +   . Write the sum in simplest form.
        Add Fractions                                             2b    2b

                                                                5  +  3   =  5 + 3  The denominators are
         Example                                               2b    2b      2b    the same. Add the
               3    3
          Find              .Write the sum in simplest form.
               4    4                                                     =  8     Add the numerators.
         Estimate 1+1 = 2
               3  +  3  =  3 + 3  The denominators are the     Answer       =  4  Simplify.
               4   4     4    same. Add the numerators.                       b

                          6     3      1  Simplify and
            Answer      =    or   or 1   rename as a
                          4     2      2  mixed number
             Compared to the estimate, the answer is
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