Page 191 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 191

Understanding Proportions and Ratios

                 CONCEPT SUMMARY                                                         Unbiased Samples

                        Type                       Definition                             Example

                  Simple Random       a sample where each item or person in a    Thirty students are randomly selected
                      Sample         population is as likely to be chosen as any   by a computer based on Student ID
                                                     other.                                number.

                 Stratified Random  a sample in which the population is divided  Five students are chosen with birthdays
                      Sample            into similar, non-overlapping groups.  in the same month, for each of the 12
                                      A simple random sample is then selected
                                                from each group.

                    Systematic        a sample in which the items or people are   Every 20 minutes a costumer is chosen.
                  Random Sample        selected according to a specific time or               or
                                                  item interval.              Every 10th costumer in line is chosen.

                    Convenience       a sample which includes members of the    City council surveys residents within
                      Sample            population that are easily accessed.    1-mile of a park whether to add a
                                                                                  recreation center to the park.

                     Voluntary        a sample which involves only those who    The school board sent an email to
                 Response Sample        want to participate in the sampling.  graduating seniors asking them where
                                                                               to hold commencement. Senior are
                                                                               asked to vote through an online poll.

                             Let’s Begin

               Identify and Describe Samples


                 Mr. Ackerman needs several volunteers to collect   A hardware store wants feedback on their prod-
                 homework before each class. He randomly calls     ucts and service. They include a telephone num-
                 out a color and whoever is wearing that color is   ber on each receipt so customers can voluntarily
                 chosen.  Identify this sample as biased or unbi-  call and participate.
                 ased and describe its type.

                                  unbiased, stratified random                       biased, both voluntary and
                    Answer                                           Answer
                                           sample.                                        convenience

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