Page 198 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 198

Sampling and Bias

         Your Turn!

        Identify Sample as Biased or Unbiased              Identify the Sample
          Identify each sample as biased or unbiased. Ex-   A large company wants to make sure that all
          plain your reasoning. A local news station inter-  of their employees are working their scheduled
          views one person on every street in Los Angeles   hours. The accountant states that the first 50
          to give their opinion on their mayor.             people to voluntarily submit their time cards will
                                                            be reviewed for accuracy. Identify the sample.
          A. unbiased
          B. biased                                         A. all workers
          C. cannot be determined                           B. 50 of the workers
                                                            C. entire population
                                                            D. half of the workers

            Answer                                            Answer

          A statistics company calls every twentieth person   Suggest a population from which the sample was
          in Cleveland’s telephone directory to find out his or   selected.
          her favorite sports team in Ohio.
                                                            A. all of the workers
          A. unbiased                                       B. 50 of the workers
          B. biased                                         C. entire population
          C. cannot be determined                           D. half of the workers

            Answer                                            Answer

        Identify and Classify a Biased Samplet

          Mark, a college journalist, wanted to find out what the average student in the United States does on the
          weekend. He decides to interview people in his dorm. Identify the sample, and suggest a population from
          which it was selected.

          A. The sample is all college students. The population is college students in his dorm.
          B. The sample is a college student. The population is all college students.
          C. The sample is college students in his dorm. The population is all college students.
          D. The sample is Mark. The population is college students in his dorm.


          Classify the sample as a convenience sample, or a voluntary response sample.

          A. convenience sample
          B. voluntary response sample
          C. none of the above


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