Page 201 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 201

Counting Outcomes

                                                                  Counting Arrangements
                 Bread      Meat        Side Item  Outcomes
                                        chips         WSC
                            salami      brownie       WSB            Example
                                        fruit         WSF
                                        chips         WTC          There are 8 students in the Algebra Club at Central
                 wheat      turkey      brownie       WTB          High School. The students want to stand in a line
                                                                   for their yearbook picture. How many different
                                        fruit         WTF          ways can the 8 students stand for their picture?
                                        chips         WHC
                            ham         brownie       WHB          The number of ways to arrange the students can
                                                                   be found by multiplying the number of choices for
                                        fruit         WHF          each position.
                                        chips         RSC
                            salami      brownie       RSB          • There are eight people from which to choose for
                                                                      the first position.
                                        fruit         RSF
                                        chips         RTC          • After choosing a person for the first position,
                 rye        turkey      brownie       RTB             there are seven people left from which to choose
                                                                      for the second position.
                                        fruit         RTF
                                        chips         RHC          • There are now six choices for the third position.
                            ham         brownie       RHB          • This process continues until all positions have
                                        fruit         RHF             been filled.

                              The tree diagram shows that there    The number of arrangements is:
                   Answer                                          n = 8 • 7 • 6 • 5 • 4 • 3 • 2 • 1 or 40,320
                                are 18 possible combinations.

                                                                                  There are 40,320 different ways
                                                                                         they could stand.
                Fundamental Counting Principle

                   Example                                         Your Turn!

                                                                  Tree Diagram
                The Best Deal computer company sells custom
                -made personal computers. Customers have a         A lunch buffet offers a combination of a meat, a
                choice of 11 different hard drives, 6 different key-  vegetable, and a drink for $5.99. The choices of
                boards, 4 different mice, and 4 different monitors.   meat are chicken or pork; the choices of vegetable
                How many different computers can a customer        are carrots, broccoli, green beans, or potatoes; and
                order?                                             the choices of drink are milk, lemonade, or a soft
                                                                   drink. Use a tree diagram to determine the number
                Multiply to find the number of custom computers.   of possible lunch combinations.

                                                   number of       A. 12
                 hard drive   keyboard  mice  monitor  custom
                 choices  choices  choices  choices  computers     B. 24
                                                                   C. 30
                   11    ●  6    ●  4   ●   4    =   1056          D. 18

                                The number of different custom
                                     computers is 1056.

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