Page 66 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 66

Similar Solids

                                                          Real World Example
         Your Turn!                                         TRAINS

                                                            A scale model of a railroad boxcar is built on a
        Find Surface Areas of Similar Solids                scale of 1 inch to 50 inches and has a volume of
         A cube has a surface area of 294 square            72 cubic inches. What is the volume of the actual
         centimeters. If the dimensions are doubled,        boxcar?
         what is the surface area of the new cube?
                                                            A. 9,000,000 in³
         A. 73.5 cm²                                        B. 373,248 in³
         B. 392 cm²                                         C. 180,000in³
         C. 588 cm²                                         D. 3,600 in³
         D. 1176 cm²

            Answer                                             Answer

          Skill Practice!

        Determine whether each pair of solids is similar.

         1.                                               2.

         3.                                               4.

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