Page 71 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 71

Identifying Triangles: Angles and Sides

                Key Concept

                Classifying Triangles by Angle                    Classifying Triangles by Sides

                   In an acute    In an obtuse     In an right     No two sides     At least two   All sides of the
                 triangle, all of   triangle, one   triangle, one   of a scalene    sides of an     sides of an
                 the angles are   angle is obtuse.  angle is right  triangle are     isosceles      equilateral
                     acute.                                         congruent       triangle are    triangle are
                                                                                    congruent.      congruent.

                                      142°  25°
                  37°       76°
                                                  90°      48°

                    all angle      one angle       one angle
                 measures < 90   measures > 90   measures = 90

                             Let’s Begin

               Classify Triangles by Angles                       Classify Triangles by Sides

                   Example                                           Example

                                                                   Identify the isosceles triangles in the figure if
                The triangle truss below is modeled for steel con-  UV ≅ VX ≅ UX.
                struction. Use a protractor to classify ΔJMN, ΔJKO,
                and ΔOLN as acute, equiangular, obtuse, or right.                     V
                                                                                Y            Z
                                      L                                               T


                                 O          N

                                                                     U                                 X

                                    Answer                         Isosceles triangles have at least two sides
                  ΔJMN has one angle with measure greater than
                   90, so it is an obtuse triangle. ΔJKO has one
                  angle with measure equal to 90, so it is a right
                    triangle. ΔOLN is an acute triangle with all
                     angles congruent, so it is an equiangular        Answer      ΔUTX and ΔUVX are isosceles.

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