Page 21 - Science Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 21

Mo. 1 - L2b What are precision and Accuracy?

                                                                Example         Significant    Applied
                                                                                  Digits        Rules
        Measurement and Uncertainty                              1.234              4             1

        No measuring tool provides a perfect measurement.         1.2               2             1
        All measurements have some degree of uncertainty.        0.023              2            1, 4
                                                                 0.200              3            1, 3
                                                                 1,002              4            1, 2
                                                                  3.07              3            1, 2
                                                                 0.001              1            1, 4
                                                                 0.012              2            1, 4
                                                                 50,600             3           1, 2, 4
                                                          Using significant digits lets others know how certain
                                                          your measurements are.
                                                                                         0.3 cm is
                                                                                         estimated digit

                                                                                         0.2 cm is a known
                                                    3   4   5    6                       digit

                                                                             5     6     5 cm is a known

        Significant digits are the number of digits in a                Key Concept
        measurement that are known with a certain degree          What are precision and Accuracy?
        of reliability.                                          Why should you use significant digits?

        The significant digits in a measurement include all
        digits you know for certain plus one estimated digit.

                      all nonzero integers

        Not Significant                Significant
        zeroes for “cosmetic“          all zeroes between
        purposes                       non zero numbers

               0 . 0 0 4 0 0 4 5 0 0

        Not Significant           Significant
        zeroes used only to locate  zeroes at the end of a
        the decimal point         number to the right of
                                  decimal point

                          Significant Digits                                SUMMARY
                             Rules                               What are Precision and Accuracy?
        1. All nonzero number are significant .             Precision is a description of how similar
        2. Zeros between nonzero digits are significant.    or close measurements are to each other.
        3. Final zeros used after the decimal point are     Accuracy is a description of how close a
        significant.                                          measurement is to an accepted value.
        4. Zeros used after the decimal point are not
        significant. The zeros indicate only the position of the
        decimal point.

                                                          Good Accuracy   Poor Accuracy    Poor Accuracy
                                                          Good Precision  Poor Precision   Good Precision
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