Page 20 - Science Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 20

Mo. 1 - L2b What are precision and Accuracy?

                 Mo1-L2b     What are precision and Accuracy?

               KEY CONCEPTS:
               1. How do accuracy and precision differ?
               2. Why should you use significant digits?         Precision is a
                                                                 description of
                            Vocabulary A-Z                       how similar or     Precision         Precision
                            Let us learn some vocabulary         close              Accuracy          Accuracy
                                                                 are to each

               a description of how close a measurement is to an
               accepted or true value.
                                                                                    Precision        Precision
                                                                                    Accuracy         Accuracy

                                                                  STUDENT DENSITY AND ERROR DATA
                                                                  (Accepted value: Density of sodium chloride, 21.7 g/cm³)
               Good Accuracy    Poor Accuracy    Poor Accuracy              Student A    Student B     Student C
               Good Precision   Poor Precision   Good Precision              Density      Density       Density
                                                                  Trial 1   23.4g/cm³    18.9g/cm³    21.9g/cm³
                Precision                                         Trial 2   23.5g/cm³    27.2g/cm³    21.4g/cm³
                a description of how similar or close measurements   Trial 3  23.4g/cm³  29.1g/cm³    21.3g/cm³
                are to each other.                                Mean      23.4g/cm³    25.1g/cm³    21.5g/cm³
                                                                 Student A’s measurements are the most precise
                                                                 because they are closest to each other.
               Significant digits                                Student C’s measurements are the most accurate
               the number of digits in a measurement that are    because they are closest to the scientifically
               known with a certain degree of reliability.       accepted value.
                                                                 Student B’s measurements are neither precise nor
                               zeros between                     accurate. They are not close to each other or to the
                                non-zeros are   Trailing zeros  to the   accepted value.
               All non-zero digits   significant  right of the decimal         Key Concept
               are significant                point are significant       What are precision and Accuracy?
                               7004.040200                              How do accuracy and precision differ?

               Let’s Begin

               Scientific Measurement

                Accuracy is a description
                of how close a measure-
                ment is to an accepted or
                true value.

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