Page 49 - Math Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 49

Algebraic Functions and Relations

               Mo. 1

               Lesson 9

                 KEY CONCEPTS:                                      Table
                 1. Represent relations as sets of ordered                                          X     Y
                      pairs, tables, mappings, and graphs.          List the x-coordinates in the f rst
                 2. Find the inverse of a relation.                 column and the corresponding y   4    3
                                                                    coordinates in the second
                                                                    column.                         -2    -1

                MO. 1 - L9a                                                                         -3    2

                      Ordered Pairs: Relations                                                      2     -4

                                                                                                    0     -4
                           Vocabulary A-Z                           Graph each ordered pair on a

                           Let us learn some vocabulary             coordinate plane.
                                                                     X     Y

                                                                     4     3
                                                                     -2    -1             o                 x
                A mapping illustrates how each element of the
                domain is paired with an element in the range.       -3    2
                                                                     2     -4
                            X                  Y                     0     -4

                             1                 2
                                                                    List the x-values in set X and the y-values in set
                                                                    Y. Draw an arrow from the x-value to the
                            -2                 2                    corresponding y-value.

                             0                -3                               X                 Y

                                                                               4                 3
                                                                               -2                -1
                                                                               -3                2
                         Let’s Begin                                           2                 -4

                                                                   Determine the domain and range for the relation
                Represent a Relation                               {(4, 3), (–2, –1), (–3, 2), (2, –4), (0, –4)}.

                Examples                                              Answer       The domain for this relation
                                                                                   is {-3, -2, 0, 2, 4.}
                                                                                   The range is {-4, -1, 2, 3}

                  Express the relation
                  {(4, 3), (–2, –1), (–3, 2), (2, –4), (0, –4)}
                  as a table, a graph, and a mapping.

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