Page 110 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 110

Comparing Similar Figures

          The scale factor that relates MNOP to ABCD is
            3      1                                       MONUMENTS
                                 Use the scale factor to relate
           12      4                                       Suppose the San Jacinto Monument
          dimensions in MNOP, x, to dimensions in ABCD, y.  in LaPorte, Texas, casts a shadow of
                                                           285 feet at the same time a nearby
                                                           tourist, who is 5 feet tall, casts a
         y = kx            Direct variation equation.      2.5-feet shadow. How tall is the San
                                                           Jacinto Monument?
         d =       (33)    Substitute.
             4                                              Explore
                                                            You know the lengths of the
         d = 8.25          Multiply                         shadows and the height of the
                                                            tourist. You need to find the height
                                                            of the San Jacinto Monument.
            Answer         The value of x is 8.25.
                                                            Write and solve a proportion.

        Real World Example                                  Solve
                                                                tourist’s                   tourist’s
         MAPS                                                   shadow   →    2.5    5  ←   height
         A surveyor wants to find the distance RS across       building’s   →  285   h  ←   building’s
         the lake. He constructs ΔPQT similar to ΔPRS and       shadow                      height
         measures the distances as shown. What is the
         distance across the lake?                         2.5 • h = 285 • 5  Find the cross products.

                                                              2.5h = 1425  Multiply.
                                                                    h = 570  Divide each side by 2.5.

                                                                          The height of the San Jacinto
                                                                              Monument is 570 feet.

         The scale factor that relates ΔPQT to ΔPRS is
                        25      5                           Your Turn!
                        60  or  12                         Find Measures of Similar Figures

             y = kx  Direct variation equation.             The figures are similar. Find the missing measure.

           12 =        x  Substitution.                            M         5 m      N
         144 = 5x    Multiply each side by 12.               O                  P
                                                                              R         10 m        S
                   = x  Divide each side by 5.
           5                                                          x m

          28.8 = x                                                     U                  T
                                                            A. 1.5 m              B. 6 m
                                                            C. 10 m               D. 16.7 m
                        The distance across the lake
                               is 28.8 meters.                Answer

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