Page 28 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 28

Properties of Squares and Rhombi
           Mo. 7

           Lesson 5                                         THEOREMS

                                                            7.15 The diagonals of a
          KEY CONCEPTS:                                           rhombus are
                                                                  perpendicular             AC ▱ BD
          1. Recognize and apply the properties of
          2. Recognize and apply the properties of          7.16 If the diagonals of
                                                                  parallelogram are
              squares.                                            perpendicular, then
                                                                  the parallelogram is a   If BD ▱ AC then
                                                                                           ▱ABCD is a
                                                                  rhombus.                  rhombus
                                                                  (Converse of
          MO. 7 - L5a                                             Theorem 7.15)

           Recognizing the Properties of                    7.17 Each diagonal of a      ∠DAC ≅ ∠BAC ≅
                        Rectangles                                rhombus of a bisects    ∠DCA ≅ ∠BCA
                                                                  a pair of opposite
                                                                  angles.                ∠ABD ≅ ∠CBD ≅
                                                                                          ∠ADB ≅ ∠CDB
                     Vocabulary A-Z                                                  B

                     Let us learn some vocabulary

         rhombus                                                                      C
         A four-sided quadrilateral where all sides are
         congruent (have equal length). Also opposite                      D
         sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.

                                B                           CONCEPT SUMMARY
                                                            Properties of Rhombi and Squares
          A                                       C               Rhombi                 Squares

                                     d2                     1. A rhombus has all the    1. A square has all the
                                                                properties of           properties of
                                                                parallelogram.          parallelogram
                                                                                    2. A square has all the
                                                            2. All sides are            properties of a
                               D                                congruent.              rectangle.
                                                                                    3. A square has all the
                                                            3. Diagonals are
                                     B                          perpendicular.          properties of a

                                                            4. Diagonals bisect the
                                                                angles of the rhombus.

                                                            5. Diagonals bisect the
                                                                angles of the rhombus.


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