Page 10 - Science Course 1 (Book 1)
P. 10

Mo.1-L1a : What is Scientific Inquiry?

                Branches of Science

                 Biology, or life science, is the                The study of Earth, including
                 study of all living things.                     landforms, rocks, soil, and
                                                                 forces that shape Earth’s
                                                                 surface, is Earth science

                                              The study of chemistry
                                              and physics is physical

                As scientists study the natural world, they
                usually use certain skills, or methods

                                                  Repeat Several   Hypothesis
                                                 times to confirm  Supported

                                                                                               Communicate Results
                    Ask Questions                 Test Hypothesis  Analyze Results             Write in science journal
                                    Hypothesis   Design an Experiment  Graph and Record  Draw Conclusions  Speak to your class
                  Make Observations   and         Gather and evaluate   results     Infer       Exchange information
                   State a Problem   Predict         evidence       Classify      Reasoning        with others
                  Gather Information               Collect Data and   information                 Other ways to
                                                 Record observations  Make calculations           communicate

                                  Modify or Revise
                                   the Hypothesis                    not

                Observations often are the                       A possible explanation
                beginning of the process of                      about  an observation that
                science. An observation is                       can be tested by scientific
                using one or more of your                        investigations is a
                senses to gather information                     hypothesis.
                and take note of what occurs.
                                                                 A prediction is a statement
                                                                 of what will happen next in
                                                                 a sequence of events

                                   Ask question                          Ask question
                                 Make observation                                            Hypothesize
                                  State a problem                     Make observation            and
                                 Gather information                    State a problem
                                                                      Gather information        Predict

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