Page 44 - Math Course 3 (Book 2)
P. 44
Volume of Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres
Mo. 8
Lesson 1 Volume of a Cone
Words The volume V of a cone with radius r is
one-third the area of the base B time the
KEY CONCEPTS: the height h.
1. Find volumes of pyramids. 1 1
2. Find volumes of cones and spheres. Symbols V = Bh or V = π²h, where B = π²
MO. 8 - L1a h
Find Volume of Pyramids, r
Cones, and Spheres
Volume of a Sphere
Vocabulary A-Z Words The volume V of a sphere is four-thirds
Let us learn some vocabulary times pi times the radius cubed.
sphere Symbols V = π³
A sphere is a set of points in space that are a given 3
distance r from the center. Model r
Let’s Begin
Volume of a Pyramid
Key Concept Example
Volume of Pyramid Find the volume of the pyramid. Round to the
nearest tenth if necessary.
Words The volume V of pyramid is one -third the
area of the base B times the height h.
Symbols V = Bh
12 in.
h 15 in.
B 15 in.